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It's Saturday!  And it's time to get down to some UFO Busting.  UFO Busting what does that meaning?  Maybe it means you are slaying those unfinished projects with finishes happening all around you.  Maybe it means your UFOing is a bust and you have new projects ever where.  What ever it means to you, I do hope you'll join in our party and link up below.  

This week, my UFOing was a bust and not a one was touched.  I did celebrate a 2024 finish of two baby quilts made from a bento box pattern.


You can read more about these super quick and easy baby quilts here.

I decided this week it was time to get back on track and make a to-do list since nothing seems to be getting ta-done.  One thing I forgot to put on my list that had to take precedence was face masks for a certain collage girl.  Time flies and this Sunday my niece will be returning back to college and needed super cool masks to take with her.  Aunt Tish to the rescue.


猫小乐慢着,看看我的无敌黑化照相伒阿衰保证黑得剩影子 ...:2021-10-23 · 猫小乐:慢着,看看我的无敌黑化照相伒?阿衰:保证黑得剩影子!庄库拿起相机正在自拍起来,拍了一个酷酷的姿势,这拍下,那拍下,简直自恋的不要不要的,这拍完还得要好好修一修图呢!你修什么图啊?一个大男人怎么

塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有

Let's see that you were up to at the last party.  First up we have Maggie at 番羽土啬吧 celebrating a UFO finish, her 2018 Square Dance finish.


Make sure you stop by to congratulate her on her finish and read about the fun little bit that's on the back of the quilt.  I think she just saved some patchwork blocks from becoming a UFO.

Next up we have Gretchen at Gretchen's Little Corner and she's been seeing stars...Ohio Stars.

These stars are part of her rainbow scrap challenge project.  I just adore the civil war fabrics she is using and can't wait to see the whole thing finished!  Stop by and check our her progress.

只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈_脱贫攻坚_内江频道_四川在线:2021-7-30 · 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈 ——记资中县龙山镇石院村“第一书记”王思旭 王思旭(中)与村干部讨论村中事务 王思旭(左)和廖意讨论果树管护技术

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!





Need a quick easy baby quilt finish?  This quit is 100% for you!  It is the Big Bento Box塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有


 I kept the quilting on both quilts super simple.  I used Aurifil 50wt #2600 Dove for the quilting.  It is probably my favorite go to neutral color.  One quilt received a classic meandering stipple.  While I took time to practice big rolling swirls on the other.

一年看变化 总书记走过的花茂村如今啥模样?_央广网 - · 一年看变化 总书记走过的花茂村如今啥模样?,“政策好不好,要看乡亲伔是哭还是笑” 2021年6月16日,习近平总书记来到贵州遵义考察。” 如今 ...

One thing I'm happy to say about these two quilts are that they will not be counted as UFO's.  They are 2024 start and finishes!  It's very rare I get to say that.  



To-Do #14


Well now, I guess it has been a few months since I participated in making a weekly to-do list...May I think.  And based on my current level of (lack of) productivity maybe it's time to give it a try again.  So this week I will be linking up over at 番羽土啬吧 to share my goals for the week.

1.  Piece a fun little red, white and blue wall hanging.


What can I say, I'm just in a red white and blue mood.

2.  Start quilting the cat quilt.

I've had this one basted for a week or two now and I have my quilting plan all ready in my head.  It's just time to make it happen!

3.  Piece Christmas Coin blocks

缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。

4.  Write a blog post for finished baby quilts.


All I need is good weather for pictures and a few spare minutes so that I can share these super fast and fun quilts with you.

Fingers crossed I'll be back next week to share all my progress!  




Welcome back to another week of UFO Busting.  A place where we can meet up and share what we have been tackling for the week.  I'm happy to report, probably one of the most productive weeks I've had in a while.  I have two baby quilts all quilted up and almost have them bound.

Though they are practically the same quilt, I quilted each with a different all over design.  I love swirls.  I do not like stitching them, because, well, I don't feel I'm good at it.  The only way to feel better is to keep doing them.  So expect more swirling on my horizon. 

Next up I have another baby quilt all basted together and I'm itching to start quilting it.

实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 …

And lastly, I'm feeling a little Christmas in July.  With the crazy hot temperatures, I can't help crave a little of the cold white stuff.  And when I think snow, I think Christmas.

So all week, I've been piecing Christmas coins in my spare time.  I love the sparkly gold detail in most of the fabrics. Once the coin sets are complete (I have two more to go), I can begin to piece the blocks.

Some simple sashing strips and this quilt is sure to piece up super quick.  I can't wait to share the quilt top with you soon.

Now let's see what you were up to last week.  First up we have Janice over at Color, Creating and Quilting.  Janice has found the perfect project to use up tiny scraps from a king size quilt she is working on.

Make sure you visit Janice to read about this cool idea and where she got the idea from.  Also, I believe she has some neck ties she would like to re-home if you are interested.

One of the many things I love about quilting, is how you can take a block and make it look completely different by just changing fabric placements, flipping lights and darks, or just any simple tweek.

At that's just what's been going on over at Sew Yummy.  Stop by and read about how she change up an already great quilt pattern she made before into something even more fun!

Now it's your turn.  Link up below and show us what you've been up to this week.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


UFO Busting #113


Happy double party Saturday!  Double party?  Yes, along with UFO Busting, yesterday I also hosted the TGIFF party.  Check out all the wonderful posts and finishes we had here.  So what was I celebrating?  My finish of the Pinwheels in the Park quilt.

You can read more about this finish and my three year irrational ways that lead to this quilt's finish delay here.

With my state moving towards a mandatory mask initiative my focus this week has been back to mask making.  I decided my co-workers and I needed new masks and fun ones at that.  I tried to make everyone a mask out of something I knew they would like and we decided to have a little fun with it. 

We deiced to have a little contest to see which mask our customer's like the most.  The winner is undetermined as of now.  Batman seems to be in the lead though.

Now let's see what you've been up to this past week.  First up we have Donna Lee, who managed to surprise herself with finishes.  Donna Lee finished up a little positively fun piece this week that had to be originally put on hold because of a binding snafu.

But this wasn't the only finish for Donna Lee this week.  Nope.  But you will have to hop over to Donna Lee Q to see the second one.  She does a much better job telling you about it.

Next up we have some absolutely stunning quilting by Sandra at mmm!quilts.  Stunning doesn't even begin to describe the quilting details on this quilt.


Sandra made Fly High using the Migrating Geese pattern (details in her post) to create this gorgeous quilt for a RSC challenge project.  She quilted this quilt using a plethora of quilt designs inspired by several super talented quilters...and the result is just breath taking.  If you haven't already, please take some time to go drool over (it's a quilt, it will wash) and read about the quilting of this quilt.  I'm just speechless.  

Now it's your turn.  Link up below and show us what you've been up to this week.

You are invited to the 番羽土啬吧 link party!


TGIFF--Pinwheel Quilt

Welcome to Wonderland, where today we are celebrating Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.

This is a special quilt that turned into a UFO.  I'm a girl of good quilty intentions and we all know what road is paved with good intentions.  This quilt, like most of mine, started out with the very best intentions.

Travel with me back to April of 2017.  A dear friend of mine is in charge of the Family Resource Network for our county.  

塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有


Since, these events would be kicking off the next month, my friend approached me about making a quilt to raffle and, like every quilter I know, I was like OF COURSE!!!  It was April, I totally felt I could have made from start to finish a quilt to raffle in May...wrong.

I found the perfect pinwheel pattern, a free quilt by Sew Mama Sew, called 番羽土墙.  The quilt pieced up quickly and a custom quilt job ensued.  All was well, until I noticed there was puckering on the back of the quilt.  My balloon deflated and I decided there was no way this quilt could be good enough.  In my frustration I banished it to the pile of I'll finish you later.  That was totally unfair of me on many levels.

So three years pass and COVID break hits and I decided, hey, I should finish that pinwheel quilt.  Here's the funny part...I thought I had a ton more to quilt on this quilt and that was why I had put it up.  I had completely forgot about the puckers.  So I pulled the quilt out to assess.

Caroline, was pretty quick to point out, it was the borders.  The borders was what I got stuck on.  All the white parts were finished.  And those puckers on the back...barely noticeable.  

I'm on a huge Natalia Bonner kick right now.  I cannot get enough of her quilting.  I had just recently purchased her class on quilting scallops in borders and figured now was the time.  I tried to use math to figure out how many and how wide and how tall and.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!  It was just too hard.  I was making it too hard. The easiest way to tackle scallops is to use your pieced blocks and sashing to place them.  Once I figured that out, it was smoothish sailing.

Now let's talk thread.

For the center of the quilt I decided to use a neutral that would blend nicely all over.  Aurifil #2600 Dove never disappoints.  It's my go to color.  For my border scallops, if I was going to do all that work, I wanted it to show.  I chose Aurifil #2715 Robins Egg to pop off that dark blue Moda Grunge.  For a little more pizzazz, I went with Aurifil #2785 Dark Navy to sink some lines into the background of the borders. 

I finished the quilt off with my favorite binding technique...the flange binding.  That tiny strip of light blue fabric adds just the right touch to finish things off.

So you might be asking, how does the story end for this one?  I contacted my friend to let her know that her 2017 dontation quilt was finally finished!!!  I told her I want her to keep it.  Since the making of this quilt, my dear sweet niece, Pickle, has officially became part of the family! (unofficially she always has been)  And Aunt Tish is behind on quilts for forts. Pickle needs more quilts!!!! and forts!!!

I got to take this little quilt on a quilty photo shoot.  Another dear friend of mine has one of the most beautiful charismatic houses in town and gladly let me bring it by for a few glamour shots.  I hope we will be seeing more of this porch!




 Okay, enough about my finish.  I want to hear all about yours!!!  Link up below and tell us all about your finish, big or small.  

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Click here to enter

Don't have a finish?  Not done partying?  Come back tomorrow for my weekly linky party UFO Busting.  Don't let that title fool you, not UFO required.  We celebrate those finishes new and old and all those little things that distract us from finishes and creates UFO's.  Everyone welcome!

Thank you so much for stopping by!  My gate is always open to you.

Except when there is a quilt hanging on it.  Then it's closed.  But its totally unlocked...come on in!!

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